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Why Use A Specialist Equestrian Planning Consultant or Architect

Updated: Mar 4, 2019

We look at some of the reasons why using our professional planning service could save you hassle, time & making your life 100% easier.

So first things first, what exactly do I need to send to the local authority?

Your Local Planning Authority (LPA) will be able to advise you on exactly what information you will need to submit. This usually includes

- A map showing the location of the site in relation to other buildings and roads

- Existing and proposed site plans showing what the site currently looks like and how it will look following construction of the new building or arena

- Plans and elevations of the new building or fence and gate details of the new arena. In some cases, you may be able to obtain drawings of your proposed building from the building manufacturer.

- Other than the application drawings you will need to submit the relevant planning application forms and pay the local authority a fee for assessing your application.

Once your application has been checked and validated by the local authority you will be informed of the decision date, this is usually 8 – 13 weeks from submission. During this time, your application will be circulated to various statutory consultants for comment. These may include ecologists, highways, landscape architects and the environment agency. Your neighbours will also be notified and asked if they wish to comment on your application before a decision is made.

The planning officer will assess the comments received before writing their report. The result of your application will be based on the contents of this report with the final decision being made either by the planning officer (delegated decision) or planning committee. The decision will be to either grant or refuse permission.

Employing a company like RPS Design Group will offer you the following advantages;

Sound Advice: We can tell you at the outset what your chances of obtaining planning approval will be, so don’t wait 2 – 3 months for a refusal. If you have no chance we will tell you, whilst it may not be good news it will certainly save you money. In most cases we can offer advice that will greatly improve your chances of a successful outcome.

Ticking the boxes: Getting your planning application validated by the LPA may entail submitting specialist reports such as Flood Risk Assessments, ecological surveys or landscape schemes etc. These reports may be requested when you submit the application or during the consultation period. Equestrian Planning Services will obtain quotes for exactly what you need and will manage these consultants on your behalf so when the planning officer asks you for a Phase 1 Habitat Study don’t fret we know exactly what their talking about.

Quick to respond: Most companies who are looking to sell you equestrian buildings will, if you're lucky, offer you a planning service as part of their service. This usually entails submitting the bare minimum and hoping for the best. If issues arise during the application process they will more likely than not leave the application to run its course ending in a refusal. Most application fall down as a result of negative feedback received during the consultation period. As part of our service we monitor your application, liaise with the planning officer and address their concerns. In most cases, we will have ironed out any potential problems before submitting your application.

So why choose RPS Design Group?

Our team include chartered equestrian architects and planning consultants who specialise in equestrian planning applications, that’s what we do. We don’t submit plans and hope for the best, we offer a comprehensive professional service that will give you the best chance of securing planning permission.

Need advice or a quotation? Get in touch on 0845 544 2005


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